
Film critic, Translator
1. Martyr! (2024)
Kaveh Akbar|Novel
2. Gold Shower(黃金雨,2024)
麿赤兒 x François Chaignaud|Dance Performance @TPAC
3.  Articles of Interest (Season 4,2023)
Avery Trufelman|Podcast
4. Tú me abrasas (2024)
Matías Piñeiro|Feature Film
5. exergue – on documenta 14 (2024)
Dimitris Athiridis|Documentary

1. Martyr! (2024)

“He felt a flash of familiar shame—his whole life had been a steady procession of him passionately loving what other people merely liked, and struggling, mostly failing, to translate to anyone else how and why everything mattered so much.”


2. Gold Shower(黃金雨,2024)


3.  Articles of Interest (Season 4,2023)

關於「穿著」的種種。時尚麻瓜(我)聽得津津有味。入坑集數S4E8〈Fashion Without Capitalism〉,講八〇年代布達佩斯的設計師 Tamás Király。本季還談到:《獨領風騷》衣櫃、芭蕾舞鞋、模特假人、監獄制服、黑人時尚、佩斯利紋、色彩恐懼症、燈芯絨俱樂部⋯⋯。若沒時間聽,點開主持人的substack,純看照片也很讚。

4. Tú me abrasas (2024)

you burn me / όπταις άμμε / tú me abrasas

啟發自1950年自殺的義大利詩人 Cesare Pavese 《Dialoghi con Leucò》中的〈海沫〉(Sea Foam)章節,阿根廷導演嘗試視覺化古希臘詩人莎弗(Sappho)與女神布里托瑪耳提斯(Britomartis)圍繞愛情與死亡的邂逅對談。片長64分鐘,但餘韻無窮。美麗的,詩影像。

5. exergue – on documenta 14 (2024)

「請你時時惦念伊薩卡島/你注定終會抵達/但切勿匆匆趕路/旅程最好持續多年/當你航抵島上,你已上了年歲/沿途所得已使你豐足/無需寄望伊薩卡島令你致富」— Constantine P. Cavafy

14小時超長紀錄片,今年柏林影展的話題之作。「誰掌握了卡塞爾文獻展?」策展人 Adam Szymczyk 提問。政客、市場,還是公眾?亂世中,(當代)藝術如何回應我們生活的現實世界?